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Friday, 13 December 2013

Signing Up For Google Adwords.

Signing Up For a Google Adwords Account Here's how to sign up: Go to and look towards the bottom of the page. You will see a link, which says, Advertising Programs. Once you click on that link, you will be taken to the following page: Once there you should click on the link, which says Google AdWords. You will then be taken to a page which looks like the following picture. I would recommend book marking this page or add it to your favorites because you will visit it often. Click on the button titled Sign up now to sign up for your AdWords account. After clicking Sign up now, you will be taken to a couple of pages, which will ask you how you want to set up your advertising group(s) with Google. As for now, we will just set up a dummy campaign, meaning that you are not going to advertise anything in this campaign. Why are you creating a dummy campaign? I am going to go over in extreme detail how to set up a perfect campaign later in this guide, but for now, I don't want you to worry about advertising, I just want you to have a Google Account. After you hit the Sign up now button, you will be taken to a page where it asks you what type of AdWords account you want to create. Select the Standard Edition and click on the Continue button. After you hit the Continue button you will sea selection where it asks you to Target Customers By Language, choose which language you wish to advertise in (this should be the language the webpage is in that you're thinking about advertising). In the Target Customers By Location selection you will select where you want to advertise. There are three sections; I would recommend the Countries and Territories selection for now. Countries & Territories “ This is where you will advertise in certain countries or territories. For example if I wanted to advertise in North America only, I would choose the Countries and Territories option and I would select the countries Canada, Mexico, and United States. Regions & Cities “ This is where you will advertise in specific cities and regi such as individual countries, regions, or cities. You will only need to choose one city, country, or region for the dummy campaign. Since I live in the United States, I chose United States. When you hit the Continue button you will be asked to make the advertisement for the website you are promoting. Again, you can edit this later so just make a quick advertisement. If you don't know what to do, simply do the following: Headline: Search Engine Advertising Description line 1: Learn How to Make Money Online Description line 2: by Advertising on Search Engines Display URL: Destination URL: don't worry, you're not even going to use this advertisement. Google just wants you to have something entered here before you can continue. After you click on the Continue button you will be prompted to enter keywords, this can be edited later so just enter one keyword which is related to your website and hit continue. If you used the previous advertisement, just enter steven holdaway as your only keyword. On the next page you will be asked to choose which currency you want Google to use to bons. This works best if you're advertising for a local flower shop or a furniture store located in one or many cities. If this was the case you could specify Regions & Cities and if you lived in the USA you could advertise in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia if the business was located in the North East. Customized “ This is where you customize where you want your ads to be displayed. You can choose very specific places to advertise¦like certain cities, regions, etc. Next you will be prompted to choose more specific areas to advertise, s

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