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Thursday, 16 January 2014

Mobile App Development With CORs

Mobile App Development with CORs

JasonSykesThe ability to build apps from your desktop or local server is a huge plus for developers using their own debug tools, test suites, etc. With our latest Version 1.0.4 release, we now support these use cases plus the ability to run apps from outside of your DSP and still enjoy the flexibility of our REST API.
Simply log in to your DSP and click on the System Config menu item on the left hand side. On the System Config screen you’ll see the CORS Access options. Setting * will allow you to work from your desktop or anywhere. You may also use your localhost server, or another DSP or remote server you wish to have access to your data or service. Having the allowed verbs checkboxes enforces another layer of access control by locking down the entire DSP to use only the verbs checked for CORS. A future release will have CORS Access specifiable per application.
To use CORS without logging in, you’ll also have to allow for Guest Access, and create a Role for guest user access. This way you can limit any guest access to only database tables or services you see fit.
system config
If you’d like to pass authentication instead of having a guest role, consult our Swagger API docs here for the latest API call for logging in a user (see the /user/session POST request). That POST will return a session_id that you can pass as a new header called X-DreamFactory-Session-Token with all your future API requests. You will also need to include the API name you created with your application as X-DreamFactory-Application-Name if you haven’t already.
We’ve also added live data through a new publication / subscription framework.
We’re using Faye running on Node. Check here for the Faye documentation as well some good advice on security.
Need to see it working? Here’s a Plunker showing our Angular Todo Application using CORS and PubSub to talk to our demo server.
To see pub/sub working on it’s own, try this real time chat app on Plunker
Enjoy! And as always, if you have any questions, please contact us!

Dream Factory Services Platform

 DreamFactory Services Platform (DSP) was designed from the beginning to be a very secure way for an enterprise customer to host mobile applications. This blog post covers security benefits on the server side and at the client, and towards the end we discuss the advantages of our user roles and permissions system.
Mobile app security
From the server side, you can install a DSP on your own cloud computer or data center. The DSP software package includes a complete LAMP Stack with PHP and a dedicated MySQL database that can be installed on any Linux virtual machine. This allows a company to use the same deployment and management practices for a DSP that they are already using for other applications. They can monitor usage, make backups, control cost, configure firewalls, and deploy applications with familiar tools and systems.

The open source nature of the DSP code base is also designed for security. An open source product has "many eyes" on the code base. We have signed up for third party security audits as well. DreamFactory Software has a team of engineers adding new features and looking for security problems on a regular basis. The latest version of the software is available from us at various cloud marketplaces. Since we are not hosting your application, there is no risk of DreamFactory losing your data. You do not need to worry about how we manage our data center, or how we keep your data separate from other customers.

There are aspects of the service architecture that also lend themselves to security. The service architecture has a single point of entry, so all service calls pass through this gateway. We have written the code in the latest version of PHP, the most widely used web programming framework in the world. The use of PHP helps with issues like buffer overrun attacks. The SQL interface completely decomposes and recomposes all query strings to prevent SQL injection attacks as well.

When a user signs on to a DSP they receive a session ID, which is securely managed as a browser cookie in an HTML5 application, or as a transient local variable in a native application. All network transactions are conducted over HTTPS, thus adding the security capabilities of SSL/TLS to standard HTTP communications. The DSP also implements cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) support and a white list that controls which domains can use the platform. This enables any website or domain to use the platform services if desired. By default CORS support is turned off and the services are only available from the originating host.

The DSP service interface enables automated or manual data synchronization with other databases or external partners as needed. A special user role could be created for the DSP that grants access only to required database objects. This allows an enterprise to construct a "data firewall" where sensitive data can be moved in or out of the DSP as needed. This data is exposed to mobile users, so even if the DSP database is compromised, there would be no way to gain access to the master database.

From the client side, each DSP comes with a complete and comprehensive services palette. This makes your mobile application somewhat future proof: there is no need to re-engineer the backend services for every new feature at the client. Our user management features are also very extensive. Single sign-on, user roles, guest users, open registration, password resets, email services, email templates, and password hashing are all carefully implemented.

One special security feature for users is that administrative updates to user roles and permissions are instantly reflected in the current session. For example, if a user is inactivated his session becomes invalid immediately. This provides a more secure environment for people entering or leaving the company and for lost devices or security breaches.

Each DSP also contains some high level security features for controlling which users see which data, services, and applications. This is very useful for segmenting the user base with different roles. The information that a sales or marketing person might see can be different from a project manager or company executive. This capability implements a higher level of security that prevents accidental data loss or disclosure of sensitive information.

Multiple applications can be hosted on a single DSP, and the administrator can create user roles to control which users see which applications. For example, a project manager would see a Gantt chart application, individual contributors would see a project calendar, and executives would see a report generator. The entire suite of visible applications can be adjusted based on appropriate user interest and role.

User roles also control what database objects are visible. This enables people to use the same application in different ways. For example, some people might see all data as read only, while others have the rights to create or delete data. The application can detect these permissions for a particular object at runtime and make various options available or inactive as needed. This capability also allows information to be hidden from certain groups. For example, individual sales people might not have access to salary information, while this data might be available for managers or executives.

Roles have the ability to enable or disable individual services as well. This controls access to 3rd party services that have been integrated with the DSP. One popular service is BLOB storage, these are binary documents stored locally on the DSP server or remotely in S3 or Azure. Each service can specify the external credentials to the service and also the access root of the folder tree. This enables each user role fine grained access to multiple document repositories.

The services have another useful capability. Various URL parameters and HTTP headers can be specified in the service object. This information is entered by an administrator and securely stored on the DSP server. Once the user enters their single sign-on credentials, they have controlled access to these external services as enabled by their user role. This capability removes the need for the client application at runtime to store any master credentials to external services. Another benefit of this architecture is that external services can be activated, deactivated, or redirected without changing client software.

Deploy,Manage and Monitor Your Own Applications

Deploy, manage, and monitor your own applications
Every DSP features a comprehensive and unified services palette. This approach reduces the need for rewriting and redeploying the services platform when new client side features are needed. We provide very carefully written features for user management, single sign-on, open registration, and guest accounts. If a user leaves their iPad on an airplane an administrator can instantly kill their session. We provide programmable CORs support so that your services can be exposed to foreign web sites, or you can run all the applications off the originating host depending on your security policies.
At a higher level, each DSP provides detailed administrative permissions for users by role. The administrator can control application visibility, CRUD access for SQL and noSQL data, CRUD access for BLOB storage by folder tree, and REST access to external services with credential hiding. This allows the admin to limit user information by role, further enhancing system security.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

A Symfony Request in Action

Without diving into too much detail, here is this process in action. Suppose you want to add a /contact page to your Symfony application. First, start by adding an entry for /contact to your routing configuration file:
  • YAML
    # app/config/routing.yml
        path:     /contact
        defaults: { _controller: AcmeDemoBundle:Main:contact }
  • XML
  • PHP
This example uses YAML to define the routing configuration. Routing configuration can also be written in other formats such as XML or PHP.
When someone visits the /contact page, this route is matched, and the specified controller is executed. As you'll learn in the routing chapter, the AcmeDemoBundle:Main:contact string is a short syntax that points to a specific PHP method contactAction inside a class called MainController:
// src/Acme/DemoBundle/Controller/MainController.php
namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Controller;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class MainController
    public function contactAction()
        return new Response('<h1>Contact us!</h1>');
In this very simple example, the controller simply creates a Response object with the HTML <h1>Contact us!</h1>. In the controller chapter, you'll learn how a controller can render templates, allowing your "presentation" code (i.e. anything that actually writes out HTML) to live in a separate template file. This frees up the controller to worry only about the hard stuff: interacting with the database, handling submitted data, or sending email messages.

Symfony2: Build your App, not your Tools.

You now know that the goal of any app is to interpret each incoming request and create an appropriate response. As an application grows, it becomes more difficult to keep your code organized and maintainable. Invariably, the same complex tasks keep coming up over and over again: persisting things to the database, rendering and reusing templates, handling form submissions, sending emails, validating user input and handling security.
The good news is that none of these problems is unique. Symfony provides a framework full of tools that allow you to build your application, not your tools. With Symfony2, nothing is imposed on you: you're free to use the full Symfony framework, or just one piece of Symfony all by itself.

Standalone Tools: The Symfony2 Components

So what is Symfony2? First, Symfony2 is a collection of over twenty independent libraries that can be used inside any PHP project. These libraries, called the Symfony2 Components, contain something useful for almost any situation, regardless of how your project is developed. To name a few:
  • HttpFoundation - Contains the Request and Response classes, as well as other classes for handling sessions and file uploads;
  • Routing - Powerful and fast routing system that allows you to map a specific URI (e.g. /contact) to some information about how that request should be handled (e.g. execute the contactAction() method);
  • Form - A full-featured and flexible framework for creating forms and handling form submissions;
  • Validator - A system for creating rules about data and then validating whether or not user-submitted data follows those rules;
  • ClassLoader - An autoloading library that allows PHP classes to be used without needing to manually require the files containing those classes;
  • Templating - A toolkit for rendering templates, handling template inheritance (i.e. a template is decorated with a layout) and performing other common template tasks;
  • Security - A powerful library for handling all types of security inside an application;
  • Translation A framework for translating strings in your application.
Each and every one of these components is decoupled and can be used in any PHP project, regardless of whether or not you use the Symfony2 fram

The Full Solution: The Symfony2 Framework

So then, what is the Symfony2 Framework? The Symfony2 Framework is a PHP library that accomplishes two distinct tasks:
  1. Provides a selection of components (i.e. the Symfony2 Components) and third-party libraries (e.g. Swift Mailer for sending emails);
  2. Provides sensible configuration and a "glue" library that ties all of these pieces together.
The goal of the framework is to integrate many independent tools in order to provide a consistent experience for the developer. Even the framework itself is a Symfony2 bundle (i.e. a plugin) that can be configured or replaced entirely.
Symfony2 provides a powerful set of tools for rapidly developing web applications without imposing on your application. Normal users can quickly start development by using a Symfony2 distribution, which provides a project skeleton with sensible defaults. For more advanced users, the sky is the limit.
ework. Every part is made to be used if needed and replaced when necessary.

The Symfony Application Flow

When you let Symfony handle each request, life is much easier. Symfony follows the same simple pattern for every request:
Symfony2 request flow
Incoming requests are interpreted by the routing and passed to controller functions that return Response objects.
Each "page" of your site is defined in a routing configuration file that maps different URLs to different PHP functions. The job of each PHP function, called a controller, is to use information from the request - along with many other tools Symfony makes available - to create and return a Response object. In other words, the controller is where your code goes: it's where you interpret the request and create a response.t's that easy! To review:
  • Each request executes a front controller file;
  • The routing system determines which PHP function should be executed based on information from the request and routing configuration you've created;
  • The correct PHP function is executed, where your code creates and returns the appropriate Response object.

The Journey from the Request to the Response

Like HTTP itself, the Request and Response objects are pretty simple. The hard part of building an application is writing what comes in between. In other words, the real work comes in writing the code that interprets the request information and creates the response.
Your application probably does many things, like sending emails, handling form submissions, saving things to a database, rendering HTML pages and protecting content with security. How can you manage all of this and still keep your code organized and maintainable?

The Front Controller

Traditionally, applications were built so that each "page" of a site was its own physical file:
There are several problems with this approach, including the inflexibility of the URLs (what if you wanted to change blog.php to news.php without breaking all of your links?) and the fact that each file must manually include some set of core files so that security, database connections and the "look" of the site can remain consistent.
A much better solution is to use a front controller: a single PHP file that handles every request coming into your application. For example:
/index.php executes index.php
/index.php/contact executes index.phpNow, every request is handled exactly the same way. Instead of individual URLs executing different PHP files, the front controller is always executed, and the routing of different URLs to different parts of your application is done internally. This solves both problems with the original approach. Almost all modern web apps do this - including apps like WordPress.

Stay Organized

/index.php/blog executes index.php
Using Apache's mod_rewrite (or equivalent with other web servers), the URLs can easily be cleaned up to be just /, /contact and /blog.
Symfony was created to solve these problems so that you don't have to.
Inside your front controller, you have to figure out which code should be executed and what the content to return should be. To figure this out, you'll need to check the incoming URI and execute different parts of your code depending on that value. This can get ugly quickly:
// index.php
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
$path = $request->getPathInfo(); // the URI path being requested

if (in_array($path, array('', '/'))) {
    $response = new Response('Welcome to the homepage.');
} elseif ($path == '/contact') {
    $response = new Response('Contact us');
} else {
    $response = new Response('Page not found.', Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
Solving this problem can be difficult. Fortunately it's exactly what Symfony is designed to do.

Symfony also provides a Response class: a simple PHP representation of an HTTP response message. This allows your application to use an object-oriented interface to construct the response that needs to be returned to the client:
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
$response = new Response();

$response->setContent('<html><body><h1>Hello world!</h1></body></html>');
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/html');

// prints the HTTP headers followed by the content
New in version 2.4: Support for HTTP status code constants was added in Symfony 2.4.

If Symfony offered nothing else, you would already have a toolkit for easily accessing request information and an object-oriented interface for creating the response. Even as you learn the many powerful features in Symfony, keep in mind that the goal of your application is always to interpret a request and create the appropriate response based on your application logic.
The Request and Response classes are part of a standalone component included with Symfony called HttpFoundation. This component can be used entirely independently of Symfony and also provides classes for handling sessions and file uploads.

Requests and Responses in PHP

So how do you interact with the "request" and create a "response" when using PHP? In reality, PHP abstracts you a bit from the whole process:
$foo = $_GET['foo'];

header('Content-type: text/html');
echo 'The URI requested is: '.$uri;
echo 'The value of the "foo" parameter is: '.$foo;
As strange as it sounds, this small application is in fact taking information from the HTTP request and using it to create an HTTP response. Instead of parsing the raw HTTP request message, PHP prepares superglobal variables such as $_SERVER and $_GET that contain all the information from the request. Similarly, instead of returning the HTTP-formatted text response, you can use the header() function to create response headers and simply print out the actual content that will be the content portion of the response message. PHP will create a true HTTP response and return it to the client:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sat, 03 Apr 2011 02:14:33 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.17 (Unix)
Content-Type: text/html

The URI requested is: /testing?foo=symfony
The value of the "foo" parameter is: symfony

Requests and Responses in Symfony


Symfony provides an alternative to the raw PHP approach via two classes that allow you to interact with the HTTP request and response in an easier way. The Request class is a simple object-oriented representation of the HTTP request message. With it, you have all the request information at your fingertips:
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

$request = Request::createFromGlobals();

// the URI being requested (e.g. /about) minus any query parameters

// retrieve GET and POST variables respectively
$request->request->get('bar', 'default value if bar does not exist');

// retrieve SERVER variables

// retrieves an instance of UploadedFile identified by foo

// retrieve a COOKIE value

// retrieve an HTTP request header, with normalized, lowercase keys
$request->headers->get('content_type');$request->getMethod();          // GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD
$request->getLanguages();       // an array of languages the client accepts

As a bonus, the Request class does a lot of work in the background that you'll never need to worry about. For example, the isSecure() method checks the three different values in PHP that can indicate whether or not the user is connecting via a secured connection (i.e. HTTPS).
As seen above, the $_GET and $_POST variables are accessible via the public query and request properties respectively. Each of these objects is a ParameterBag object, which has methods like get(), has(), all() and more. In fact, every public property used in the previous example is some instance of the ParameterBag.
The Request class also has a public attributes property, which holds special data related to how the application works internally. For the Symfony2 framework, the attributes holds the values returned by the matched route, like _controller, id (if you have an {id} wildcard), and even the name of the matched route (_route). The attributes property exists entirely to be a place where you can prepare and store context-specific information about the request.

Step 2: The Server returns a Response

Once a server has received the request, it knows exactly which resource the client needs (via the URI) and what the client wants to do with that resource (via the method). For example, in the case of a GET request, the server prepares the resource and returns it in an HTTP response. Consider the response from the xkcd web server:
nslated into HTTP, the response sent back to the browser will look something like this:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sat, 02 Apr 2011 21:05:05 GMT
Server: lighttpd/1.4.19
Content-Type: text/html

  <!-- ... HTML for the xkcd comic -->
The HTTP response contains the requested resource (the HTML content in this case), as well as other information about the response. The first line is especially important and contains the HTTP response status code (200 in this case). The status code communicates the overall outcome of the request back to the client. Was the request successful? Was there an error? Different status codes exist that indicate success, an error, or that the client needs to do something (e.g. redirect to another page). A full list can be found on Wikipedia's List of HTTP status codes article.
Like the request, an HTTP response contains additional pieces of information known as HTTP headers. For example, one important HTTP response header is Content-Type. The body of the same resource could be returned in multiple different formats like HTML, XML, or JSON and the Content-Type header uses Internet Media Types like text/html to tell the client which format is being returned. A list of common media types can be found on Wikipedia's List of common media types article.
Many other headers exist, some of which are very powerful. For example, certain headers can be used to create a powerful caching system.

Requests, Responses and Web Development

This request-response conversation is the fundamental process that drives all communication on the web. And as important and powerful as this process is, it's inescapably simple.
The most important fact is this: regardless of the language you use, the type of application you build (web, mobile, JSON API), or the development philosophy you follow, the end goal of an application is always to understand each request and create and return the appropriate response.
Symfony is architected to match this reality.
To learn more about the HTTP specification, read the original HTTP 1.1 RFC or the HTTP Bis, which is an active effort to clarify the original specification. A great tool to check both the request and response headers while browsing is the Live HTTP Headers extension for Firefox.

Step1: The Client sends a Request

Every conversation on the web starts with a request. The request is a text message created by a client (e.g. a browser, an iPhone app, etc) in a special format known as HTTP. The client sends that request to a server, and then waits for the response.
Take a look at the first part of the interaction (the request) between a browser and the xkcd web server:
../_images/http-xkcd-request.pngn HTTP-speak, this HTTP request would actually look something like this:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/html
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh)
This simple message communicates everything necessary about exactly which resource the client is requesting. The first line of an HTTP request is the most important and contains two things: the URI and the HTTP method.
The URI (e.g. /, /contact, etc) is the unique address or location that identifies the resource the client wants. The HTTP method (e.g. GET) defines what you want to do with the resource. The HTTP methods are the verbs of the request and define the few common ways that you can act upon the resource:resource:
GET Retrieve the resource from the server
POST Create a resource on the serverIn addition to the first line, an HTTP request invariably contains other lines of information called request headers. The headers can supply a wide range of information such as the requested Host, the response formats the client accepts (Accept) and the application the client is using to make the request (User-Agent). Many other headers exist and can be found on Wikipedia's List of HTTP header fields article.
PUT Update the resource on the server
DELETE Delete the resource from the server
With this in mind, you can imagine what an HTTP request might look like to delete a specific blog entry, for example:
DELETE /blog/15 HTTP/1.1
There are actually nine HTTP methods defined by the HTTP specification, but many of them are not widely used or supported. In reality, many modern browsers don't support the PUT and DELETE methods.

Symfony2 and HTTP Fundamentals

Congratulations! By learning about Symfony2, you're well on your way towards being a more productive, well-rounded and popular web developer (actually, you're on your own for the last part). Symfony2 is built to get back to basics: to develop tools that let you develop faster and build more robust applications, while staying out of your way. Symfony is built on the best ideas from many technologies: the tools and concepts you're about to learn represent the efforts of thousands of people, over many years. In other words, you're not just learning "Symfony", you're learning the fundamentals of the web, development best practices, and how to use many amazing new PHP libraries, inside or independently of Symfony2. So, get ready.
True to the Symfony2 philosophy, this chapter begins by explaining the fundamental concept common to web development: HTTP. Regardless of your background or preferred programming

HTTP is Simple

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol to the geeks) is a text language that allows two machines to communicate with each other. That's it! For example, when checking for the latest xkcd comic, the following (approximate) conversation takes place:
../_images/http-xkcd.png And while the actual language used is a bit more formal, it's still dead-simple. HTTP is the term used to describe this simple text-based language. And no matter how you develop on the web, the goal of your server is always to understand simple text requests, and return simple text responses.
language, this chapter is a must-read for everyone.Symfony2 is built from the ground-up around that reality. Whether you realize it or not, HTTP is something you use everyday. With Symfony2, you'll learn how to master it.

When should I use a framework?

Well... Whenever you need to, while developing a web application or a site, of course!
Why would you have a custom piece of furniture made if you could find one that perfectly matches your décor, right off the shelf? The same is true for computer applications: Before you dive in to create a framework, a little survey work is in order.

General needs vs. specific functions

Besides a framework, there are other solutions that are available to develop both Web sites and Web applications: CMSs (Content Management System) and their supplemental modules, as well as packaged professional solutions (CRM, e-commerce solutions, etc.). If their native features line up perfectly with your immediate and future needs, no question about it: Go for it! There is no point in reinventing the wheel.
On the other hand, when there are specific needs, specific business rules or even the need to mix building blocks (content and e-commerce, for example), a framework solution is necessary: it al

The right questions

To make sure that you are making the right choice, both for the short as well as the long term, it is necessary to ask the right questions:
  1. What are my current needs? Are they covered by a packaged solution?
  2. What skills do I need if I choose a framework?
  3. Will the developed solution be upgradeable?
And finally, don’t fall into the trap of the “apparent simplicity of the requirements.” In many cases it quickly becomes apparent that both the business rules and functions to be implemented are just not so simple to put in place.
By the way, Symfony is also very well suited for “mini-projects.”
lows an application to be developed that perfectly matches your current needs, while still being innovative.

To make a long story short
A framework can be tailored to all requirements.
...but that is not always necessary, especially when the requirements are of a more generic nature.
Before making your selection, map out your current and future requirements in detail, and then compare the various solutions available on the market.

Why should I use a framework?

A framework is not absolutely necessary: it is “just” one of the tools that is available to help you develop better and faster!
Better, because a framework provides you with the certainty that you are developing an application that is in full compliance with the business rules, that is structured, and that is both maintainable and upgradable.
Faster, because it allows developers to save time by re-using generic modules in order to focus on other areas. Without, however, ever being tied to the framework itself.

Investing in the task, not in the technology

This is the basic principle of a framework: Not having to reinvent the wheel. And doing away with

Guaranteed upgradability and maintenance

In the longer term, a framework ensures the longevity of your applications. If a development team works as they please, only that particular team will be able to maintain and upgrade the application with ease. The way that a publisher supports a proprietary solution.
On the other hand, the structure that a framework provides for the application makes it possible to avoid this pitfall altogether and it gives any developer - whether she participated in its development or not – the ability to easily “adopt” an application, to maintain it over time and to upgrade it both quickly and neatly, whenever necessary.
In this regard, a framework is not a black box! In the case of Symfony, it is still PHP… The applications that are developed are not limited to the Symfony universe, and they are natively interoperable with any other PHP library, for example.
foreboding, low value added tasks (for example, the development of generic components) in order to fully focus on the business rules.
As an example, a framework will keep the developer from having to spend 2 or 3 days creating an authentication form (which is not a specific task). The time that is saved can be dedicated to more specific components as well as to the corresponding unit tests; giving you solid, sustainable and high quality code.

To make a long story short
A framework is not an absolute necessity, but nonetheless it is very useful.
A framework is a pledge of quality, upgradability and maintainability of applications at lower cost.
Applications developed using a framework are interoperable with market standards.

Symfony A PHP Framework at a Glance

Symfony at a Glance

A PHP framework

In order to better understand what a framework is, let’s leave the world of computer science for a moment and imagine a mountaineering adventure. Developing an application is very similar to climbing a rock wall: you are at the bottom (you have an application to be created) and you need to reach the summit (and be pleased with the achievement of designing an application that works perfectly.)
If no one has ever climbed the wall in question, you will have to get by on your own: testing routes, occasionally backtracking so that you don’t get stuck in a corner, driving in pitons, etc. In contrast, if the wall has already been conquered, those who have gone before you will already have done this trial and error work, opening up possible paths (the frame) and installing the tools that will facilitate the climb (your work).

Basically, a framework consists of:
  • A toolbox - a set of prefabricated, rapidly integratable software components. This means that you will have to write less code, with less risk of error. This also means greater productivity and the ability to devote more time to doing those things which provide greater added value, such as managing guiding principles, side effects, etc.
  • Best Practices guaranteed! A methodology – an “assembly diagram” for applications. A structured approach may seem constraining at first. But in reality it allows developers to work both efficiently and effectively on the most complex aspects of a task, and the use of Best Practices guarantees the stability, maintainability and upgradeability of the applications you develop.
And although it might be obvious, we thought it best to say it anyway – Symfony is a PHP framewo

A philosophy

What could be more useful than an application developed by users for their own needs? This is the story of the genesis of Symfony – born from the imagination of the web designers at SensioLabs, a web developer in its own right. Symfony was made available to everyone under an Open Source license. This benefits other developers, who also have the ability to improve it by adding their own modules. All this was done in an environment of Best Practices, standardization and interoperability of applications.
rk, which means that it permits web applications to be built in PHP!

A community

And behind Symfony, there are people. We are the people of SensioLabs. We created Symfony to solve our own web development problems and we’re pleased to promote it. We are also a community of developers, users, and contributors which has formed around Symfony over the past 5 years.

To make a long story short
Symfony is a PHP framework.
Symfony is a framework, a set of tools and a development methodology.
Beyond the tools, Symfony is also a Philosophy and a Community.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

5 Effective Ways To Market a Mobile App

In today's advanced technology, mobile applications plays an important role to promote any business. In fact, the entire world is going mobile and want to take the full advantage of this trend as more and more people are having access to smartphones. So, if you are one of those who want to build brand and awareness, then there is no better tool than app. You can market mobile app in few of the effective ways which be simple and exiting for you. Here are some of the most effective ways that will help you to market your mobile apps and gain a competitive advantage:
Firstly, the social media sites is one of the best options. Use social newtorks to post your app as these days people are net savvy. Moreover, you are targeting the news to exisiting customers who already like your brand so they will be more interested to download your app.
Secondly, since the home page of your website is usually the first place that attracts audience so you need to feature your app on the homepage. This way you will have adavnatge over the targeted audience. Always remember the most important thing that is to provide a link to download the app. Also, promote your app who access your websitre through mobile devices.
Thirdly, blog is something that will help you to a large extent. Your blog is one place where you can talk about your app. It will be an opportunity for you to present users with a reason as to why they need to download your app.
Fourthly, traditional adversting is one of the great ways to promote your app. To market your app through online channels and offline channels such as posters and magazines will be a good idea. Furthermore, you can include, text like “ Download the app at the App store or Android market etc.
Lastly, in the app itself,you can let your exisiting fans promote your brand. One of the ways to do is by hosting buzz- worthy giveways or contents in your app. Like, you can upload attractive and simple content in your app so that it is easily understoood by the users.
In nutshell, to have a marketing plan ready for your app is an cost effective way. Just by simply following these quick and interesting tips, you can launch your app to reach at the pinnacle of success.
This article is contributed by ValueCoders.

Best PHP Framework for Your Project

For a web application developer it is very difficult to stay organized if they don't have a clear structure for their apps. Starting with app development from scratch is a very tough and tedious task, so several developers select a framework and start development according to it. Many developers want to initiate their work with PHP frameworks but they don't have the required knowledge about the best PHP frameworks which can be really useful for their projects.

The knowledge about the best PHP frameworks comes in handy. Frameworks are great assistance to PHP developers as they help in structuring the codes so they can function as a streamlined and logical application. Frameworks were introduced long time back but it was only with the advent of Ruby on Rails that developers started adopting frameworks for their projects.

Nowadays a majority of frameworks follows the model-view-controller pattern. MVC pattern deals with the presentation of your data. So, now we have a little overview about the frameworks so let us explore, what are the best PHP frameworks for your project:

Developed by SensioLabs, this framework uses a handy debugging toolbar and profiler which are very much required for the best PHP framework. Symfony is very easily customizable and allows you to choose the different software components that you are already using in your project.

The Zend Framework is quite popular among businesses across the globe. Zend is a very efficient framework, in addition to that it also has several tools to ease the development process, like it has its own flavor of PHP and it also has a custom server.

Another feature included in the Zend Studio is a very nicely integrated development environment, which helps you gain full profits of the services mentioned above. Though Zend is a pricey framework but if you don't want to settle with nothing but the best it is the hottest selling PHP frameworks in the market today.

CodeIgniter is a very light application that won't take ton of space and it is one of the best PHP framework of present times. This framework is built for speed and its implementation is really easy. To start up with this framework all you have to do is get the latest version from Github and download the manual. CodeIgniter is a very powerful PHP framework and it has a past record of creating tools that make work of programmers much easier.

The above list of PHP Frameworks is really instrumental in creating a stunning app from the scratch. Using these frameworks the developers can attain pinnacle of success in their development business and gain an edge over their competitors.

This article is contributed by ValueCoders.

Guidelines for HTML Standard

Project Leader


This article concludes our introduction to HTML with a presentation of some valuable guidelines for working with HTML documents and code that will help maximize their maintainability and reusability. Of central importance is the need to understand HTML and its role in Web applications, to plan ahead for maintainable and reusable code, and to adopt a consistent policy on coding style.

Coding Style Guidelines

Consistency is absolutely a prerequisite for maximizing maintainability and reusability. These general guidelines for coding style can form the basis of a set of standards that will help ensure that all developers in a project—or, better, in all projects across an organization—write code consistently.
  • Use well-formed HTML.
  • Pick good names and ID values.
  • Indent consistently.
  • Limit line length.
  • Standardize character case.
  • Use comments judiciously.

Use Well-formed HTML

Although Web browsers are generally forgiving and can ignore many mistakes, rendering most HTML as the document author intended, it is still a good idea to use well-formed HTML code, for a number of reasons.
Well-formed markup code is a concept that has gained importance with increased implementation of XML. While browsers did not, in general, enforce HTML language rules very closely, XML parsers do. Code is considered well formed when it is structured according to the rules for XML 1.0. These rules relate to character case, tags, nesting, and attribute values.
In general, when most browsers encounter an unrecognized or extraneous tag, they ignore them. However, different browsers might deliver results in different—and unpredictable—ways. In addition, future versions of browsers might adhere to standards more closely than do current versions. Finally, code that includes such elements can be harder to read and understand, making maintenance more difficult.
  • Lowercase names—To be well-formed, element and attribute names must be in all lower case. In versions through 4.01, HTML is not case-sensitive. However, XML is case-sensitive, and it follows that the XHTML 1.0 recommendation is also case-sensitive. So, to ensure that code keeps working and to maximize reusability, this must be planned for.
  • Closing tags—All nonempty elements must have corresponding closing tags. Empty elements—those previously signified with a single tag, such as

    —must be followed immediately by a corresponding closing tag, or the tag must end with "/". For example,
    are both examples of well-formed code.
  • Nested elements—All nested attributes must be properly nested—for example:
    Some text

  • Note that the tag and its corresponding closing tag, , are both nested inside the
  • If elements overlap, then they are not properly nested, as illustrated in the following code:
    Some text

  • While many browsers have accepted overlapping elements and given the expected results, they have always been, strictly speaking, illegal in HTML, and future versions of browsers might not support them.
  • Attribute values—Attribute values, even numeric attributes should be quoted—for example:
  • Code validation: Another step toward improving HTML code is to validate it against a formal published grammar and to declare this validation at the beginning of the HTML document. For example, the following line declares validation against the public HTML 3.2 Final grammar:
  • A list of formal published grammars is available from the W3C at The W3C also has a public HTML validation service at

Assign meaningful Names and ID Values

Use a consistent scheme for assigning the value of name and ID properties. They should be as short as reasonably possible, but without giving up descriptive power. Also, use mixed-case property values to help readability (see Listing 2). In this code snippet, the check box names express not only what the purpose of the element is, but also information about the element's type. The code also illustrates the use of mixed case to help readability.

Listing 2: Example of Good Element Names



HTML primarily refers to elements by their name property, while DHTML and client-side scripts use the ID property. Although DHTML documents IDs must be unique in the document, in general, there is no reason not to use the same value for an element's name and ID properties. Using the same value for these properties can reduce confusion that might arise when mixing HTML and client-side scripting.

Indent Consistently

Use indentation consistently to enhance the readability of the code. When elements carry over more than one line of code, indent the contents of elements between the start tag and the end tag. This will make it easy to see where the element begins and ends. Also, use indentation to align code at attribute names (see Listing 3).
It is a good idea to use no more than two to four spaces for each level in indentation, so as not to use up all the available line length in indentation. If possible, set up the development tool to convert tabs to spaces so that the indentation will be the same when the source is viewed in different editors or as printed output.

Listing 3: Indent Code Consistently



   Login:               type="text"

   Password:                type="password"


   To log into the system, enter your user
    name and password in the text boxes. Then
    click the "Login" button.


Limit Line Length

Break up lines when they run too long. It is much easier to read and understand code when you can see the entire line at once. When lines of code are so long that the reader must scroll right and left to read them, it requires much more cognitive effort to understand what the code is doing. Alternatively, in some applications, long lines might wrap to the next line at the nearest word break. In either case, source code is much easier to read and understand if the developer takes explicit control of line length.
HTML is not sensitive to line breaks, so the developer can break lines at will between keywords for readability. For example, Listing 4 illustrates a code snippet in which two elements have word-wrapped to the next line because they were two long for the editor window.

Listing 4: HTML Source Code with Uncontrolled Line Breaks

"JavaScript" onclick="return NameValid();">

language="JavaScript" onclick="return AddrValid();">
Compare this with Listing 5, where the developer took explicit control of line length. Here the code is much easier to read because the developer used line breaks and indenting to visually organize the source code.

Listing 5: HTML Source Code with Explicit Line Breaks

    onclick="return NameValid();">

    onclick="return AddrValid();">
Keep the limitations of printed output in mind as well. Lines longer than 80 characters will often wrap in printed output without consideration for word breaks, making source code very difficult to read.

Standardize Character Case

Source code is easier to read if the developer has applied a consistent set of rules for the use of character case—for example, the use of lower case exclusively for HTML tags. When scanning source code, the reader can unconsciously apply a visual filter, focusing attention on the HTML keywords.
The approach taken in code that appears in this article is to use all lowercase letters for HTML tags and the names of its attributes, while using mixed case and a modified form of Hungarian Notation for some attribute values (see the sidebar entitled "Hungarian Notation").
Hungarian Notation
Hungarian Notation is a convention for naming identifiers that adds a prefix to the name to provide information about the type and scope of the identifier. Dr. Charles Simonyi, a Microsoft Chief Architect at the time, introduced Hungarian Notation in the early 1980's. Long an internal Microsoft standard, variants of the convention have been widely adopted outside of Microsoft as well.
As an example of a simplified Hungarian Notation scheme, variables that contain a string could be prefixed with the character s, and a variable with global scope could be indicated with a gprefix. In this case, then, the variables sTemp and gsName in source code would be immediately identifiable as string variables with local and global scope, respectively.
In general, HTML is not a typed language, and Hungarian Notation plays a more important role in other types of Web development. However, in some cases it can add to readability. For example, the names or IDs of form elements are likely candidates for a modified form of Hungarian Notation. The prefix "btn" or "cmd" might be used for an input button. Text boxes might be prefixed with "txt," and check boxes might be prefixed with "chk" or "cb."

Use Comments Judiciously

Good comments can be invaluable for understanding and maintaining code. However, the unique nature of HTML introduces a trade-off between the value of thorough comments and the efficiency of the Web application.
The Web server reads in the HTML code and sends it as a stream of text over the network to the browser. Only after arriving at the client does the browser parse and interpret the HTML code, displaying the visible elements and ignoring the comments. The obvious implication is that the comments add nothing to the document as the browser displays it, yet they add to the processing overhead on both the server and client computers, and they increase the amount of data transferred. With almost 50 percent comments, Listing 6 illustrates what is probably excessively commented code.

Listing 6: Heavily Commented HTML Code






The trick is to find an appropriate level of commenting that balances these two issues. It is a good idea to comment the major logical flow and document sections to help readers quickly gain an overview of the code. Also comment dependencies and assumptions. Consistently following the other design and coding guidelines as suggested in this article—especially the ones related to naming and metadata—will help create self-documenting code.
Listing 7 illustrates how fewer comment lines and more descriptive element names can combine to provide effective documentation with a lot less overhead.

Listing 7: Lightly Commented HTML Code




Check list

Use Well-formed HTML
Avoid Style attributes in html
All non empty elements must have corresponding closing tags.
use Lowercase names
All nested attributes must be properly nested—for example:
Some text

Attribute values, even numeric attributes should be quoted

Pick Good Names and ID Values
Use a consistent scheme for assigning the value of name and ID properties.
Documents IDs must be unique in the document
Indent Consistently
Use indentation consistently to enhance the readability of the code

Standardize Character Case
Hungarian Notation is a convention for naming identifiers that adds a prefix to the name to provide information about the type and scope of the identifier.e.g. txt for text

Use Comments Judiciously

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Creating a PHP Redirect

Creating a PHP Redirect

One of the ways in which you can cloak your affiliate link is by creating a php redirect. While this process may seem very complex it really is not.
Cloak your affiliate link using a php redirect
Step 1: Create a folder on your desktop called "Suggests"
Step 2: Inside of the new folder create another folder named for the affiliate product you're promoting
Step 3: Open the new sub-folder
Step 4: Download the file in the SUGGESTS folder create a new sub-folder for each product/offer
Step 5: Change the file extension from .txt to .php
Step 6: Log into your FTP program
Step 7: Upload both folders into your website files

Using Link Trackr to Cloak Your Affiliate Link

Using Link Trackr to Cloak Your Affiliate Link

If the process of cloaking your link through a php redirect requires a little too much technical ability then the best solution is a program called Link Trackr.
Using PHP to cloak your affiliate links is a bit daunting for you then we recommend using Not only do they offer to cloak your affiliate links, they also track your link conversions so you can test your links and see which ones are most effective.
Because of there conversion tracker you can run tests to see which button colors are better, which anchor text generates more clicks and the placement of the link on different areas of the website. This can help you find the best types and placements of links to optimize your conversions and make you more money. Watch the following video walkthrough for detailed instruction on setting up your LinkTrackr links.
Set up a account
Create your first cloaked link

Using BudURL to Cloak your Affiliate Link

BudURL is a lot like and is a worthy alternative and may be better for your needs.
It allows you to track your URLs, track the number of clicks your URLs are getting and how well they're converting. They offer a 21 day free trial so feel free to give it a test run to see if you like it.
Set up a Account
Cloak your affiliate link using BudURL

Building a List

Building a List

The easiest way to introduce new products to your followers is through email. The main purpose behind building our own blog/website is so that we can bring visitors to our website and get them to join our mailing list; thus allowing us to market to them on an ongoing basis (hence the term "permission marketing").
Permission Marketing Permission marketing is a specific kind of marketing that includes getting new customers or prospective customers to grant you permissions to contact them in some form, whether it's through email, by phone or by mail.
The opposite of permission marketing is interruption marketing. Commercials and TV are great examples of interruption marketing because they interrupt the TV shows you're watching.
Permission marketing is very powerful because you can build a list of thousands of people who have told you it's ok for you to contact them. Contrast that attitude with the attitude most of us have towards commercials, we either ignore them or we TiVo the show in advance and just skip them.
When building an affiliate website the easiest way to build a list of current or prospective customers is through email. In the next few sections we'll cover the details of how to collect and market to an email list.
Think of your business like an iceberg. Above the water you can tell basically how much is there. It's obvious and straightforward. However you know that below the surface of the water there could be many times the amount of ice that's above the water but you can't tell.

The tip of the iceberg represents our efforts to acquire new customers and sell them up front or one time. The rest of the iceberg represents upsells and the efforts we make to sell our products to our current customer.
Forgetting about the ice below the surface of the water is like forgetting about all the customers who have purchased products from our website via our customer acquisition channels like PPC and SEO. First we need to understand that all those customers represent people who have trusted us enough to pull out their credit cards and buy from us.
It is far easier to retain current customers than it is to acquire new customers
Lets say you have a website that does $100,000 in sales in one year. After expenses you'll have $15k-$20k in take home profit. Not bad at all for website but it can definitely be better if you implement permission marketing.
Now lets say during the course of the year you had built up an email list of 10,000 customers who have already bought from you. Every other month you sent them a promotional email offering them a discount or some special deal. Here are some reasonable numbers to expect from an email campaign:
25% open rate = 2500 people
35% click through rate = 875 people
10% conversion rate = 87.5 people buy
If your average profit per order is $50 that means for every email you sent out you got $4,375. 6 emails per year would net you an EXTRA $26,250. That's $6,250 more than you made with just your one time sales to new customers.
As you can see permission marketing can be very profitable, and if you don't implement it you'll be missing out on a LOT of money.
In the next few sections we'll show you how to build a list and how to write emails that convert into all those extra sales.
so we need to make the most of the relationship we have with our current customers and strengthen it.